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Re: [desktop] AA problems on some websites with mozilla-xft and galeon

Op zo 16-02-2003, om 21:42 schreef Pasi Kärkkäinen:
> OK. Thanks!
> Should this kind of settings be in the default fonts.conf ?

I'd say not. people might want those fonts for some reason; using this
is effectively disabling them.

> Or maybe a question while installing fontconfig..

That would be overkill, I'm afraid. You'd have to do this for each and
every bitmap font out there, since _some_ website might use a font
that's mapped to it.

It'd be better if this could be clearly mentioned in some documentation.

wouter at grep dot be
"An expert can usually spot the difference between a fake charge and a
full one, but there are plenty of dead experts." 
  -- National Geographic Channel, in a documentary about large African beasts.

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