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Re: Vanishing /usr/doc symlink

I demand that Manoj Srivastava may or may not have written...

> As I have said before, current policy makes it perfectly legal to do things
> like
>    if [ -d /usr/doc/$package ]; then
>        rm -rf /usr/doc/$package;
>    fi
>    ln -sf ../share/doc/$package /usr/doc/$package

You do that. I install one of your packages, I notice that the documentation
is missing, you receive a bug report about not checking for /usr/doc itself
being a symlink...

| Darren Salt       | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| Linux PC, Risc PC | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| No Wodniws here   | demon co uk      | Toon Army
|   I don't ask for much, just untold riches...

Don't stop at one bug.

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