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Re: Best Packaging Practices - collecting ideas (and texts!)

On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 07:31:13PM -0400, Mark Eichin wrote:

> hmm.  I've tried cvs-buildpackage a few times over the years (most
> recently a couple of weeks ago as a distraction from the twiki package
> postinst hell) and it just doesn't match my working patterns at all.  Most
> especially, it had no way to do "ok, try building out of what I have here
> so I can test it" that wasn't "bump a version and shovel it into that tree
> over there."

Why do you need any help from cvs-buildpackage to build from your working
directory?  This should work almost exactly the same as from any other
unpacked source tree.

 - mdz

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