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Re: Editor Priorities

Previously Matthew Palmer wrote:
> I'll ask the opposite question - why give priority to them, just because
> they happen to support multi-languages?  I thing there are several more
> important aspects to an editor than that.

I would love to see your reaction if you suddenly get a default editor
that is only capable of editing Japanese. I'm sure you will suddenly
change your opinion.

> So on the one hand, there are easy ways to do so, but it takes years to do
> it?  That seems like a *damn* good reason to do it, from my point of view as
> a volunteer software developer.  You did it because it matters to you.  I
> don't do it because it takes years to do.  Somehow I'm a racist for not
> volunteering my time for years of work?

WTF has race got to do with it? I'm severly disappointed someone would
even suggest that.


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