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Re: FreeBSD-like approach for Debian? [was: Re: Deficiencies in Debian]

On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 05:33:17AM -0700, Jonathan Walther wrote:
> Ah, so Linux is starting to grow up at last.  The base + packages
> distinction is crucial to making the whole thing manageable.  I
> and one of the glibc maintainers are working on a VERY small base
> system...  It is our hope that Debian and other distributions will
> see fit to use it.  It can be shoehorned in without much effort or
> disruption to every major distro I know of.  Once it is self hosting,
> it will be donated to the LSB as an example reference implementation.
> http://mindanaoguide.com/linux-reference.html
> I would argue that what FreeBSD offers is an extremely well thought
> out system.  Linux is just now starting to learn those lessons.

the trouble with freebsd is that nothing except the base is integrated
into the entire system. using freebsd ends up feeling like you're using
a random collection of cruft (i.e. a mess, like slackware). this is the
prime reason why i use debian instead of freebsd (or anything else, for
that matter).

i think we can do better than that - take advantage of the good things
about the freebsd core's design but make it work for us in our style
rather than simply clone what they are doing.

fortunately, it's not impossible to get the benefits of a "core" dist
plus add-ons and still end up with a SYSTEM, where all the parts are
smoothly integrated into a functioning whole.


craig sanders

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