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Re: [ITP] TuxNES

On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 07:47:36AM -0700, Nick Moffitt wrote:
> > TuxNES is a fork of the Nestra free NES emulator with some things
> > not in Nestra that Mike (the person who forked it) wanted to add.
>         What sort of license are TuxNES/Nestra under?


> > If the two don't just merge (which is still possible) I'll upload a
> > package soon.  Since there are no known free ROM images for the NES,
> > and no real obvious way that they could be easily created, TuxNES
> > would have to go into contrib.
>         I'm not sure about this.  I have Cc'd my brother on this, as
> he has a certain interest in the emulation community and free
> software.  I'm sure that he could come up with an answer to this.

ROMs are Copyrighted, almost exclusively with a very liberal license (sic)
such as "All Rights Reserved."  This isn't terribly helpful to us.  =>

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@debian.org>             Debian GNU/Linux developer
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They're coming to take us away, ha ha!

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