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Re: fistfight between libc6-dev and joystick

On Thu, Jul 09, 1998 at 05:12:37PM -0400, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> Package: joystick
> Version: 0.8.0-4
> Joystick should place joystick.h in /usr/include/linux/modules instead of
> the current location in /usr/include/linux, which conflicts with
> libc6-dev.

Why did you close this bug if joystick is still doing something it

> /usr/include/linux/ is supplied by the kernel headers, and does not
> contain joystick.h. It is not clear to me why dpkg removes it, as
> libc6-dev doesn't claim to own it, but, in any case, the correct location

libc6-dev: /usr/include/linux

libc6-dev claims to own it on my system.

> for this file is /usr/include/linux/modules, which dpkg does not "clobber"
> when installing libc6-dev.
> This will require that programs that "expect it there" will need to start
> looking in the right place ;-)


> As a workaround, can you move the joystick.h file by hand into the correct
> place, and adjust your includes accordingly?

No.  I build X on master.  I don't have root on master.  And I didn't want
to hack up the sources to look in a ridiculous place for the file, like

G. Branden Robinson                 |  The key to being a Southern Baptist:
Purdue University                   |  It ain't a sin if you don't get caught.
branden@purdue.edu                  |  -- Anthony Davidson
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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