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fistfight between libc6-dev and joystick

severity 17382 important

We still have the situation where upgrading libc6-dev obliterates
/usr/include/linux/joystick.h (belonging to the joystick package) without
notice or warning.  This is bad.  It affects seemingly unrelated operations
on the system like...oh, I don't know, building xfree86.

I'm not about to argue with the gurus over what packages have stomping
rights in /usr/include/linux.  I just know that everything that uses i386
joysticks expects that header file there.  Folks with clues and/or
solutions should of course reassign this bug if necessary.  Please, please
fix it.

In exchange for upgrading this bug, the next release of xfree86 (the one I
was trying to build when I got bit by this one) will fix *all* outstanding
release-critical bugs against it -- including the one I had forwarded
upstream.  I got a patch from XFree86 last night.

G. Branden Robinson                 |  Communism is just one step on the long
Purdue University                   |  road from capitalism to capitalism.
branden@purdue.edu                  |  -- Russian saying
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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