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Re: apt and hamm

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:
> On Sun, Jun 14, 1998 at 01:07:33AM +0200, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:
> > > [Yeah, it's new software -- it's also the best way to keep the hamm
> > > upgrade from completely breaking an existing debian installation.]
> > The autoup.sh script also does the job well, doesn't it?
> Not for new installs. Having things break when you run dselect on just
> the Standard system is not an impressive way to do a new install, IMHO.
> [I'm referring to the `[I]nstall, [C]onfigure, [I]nstall, [C]onfigure...'
>  jitters that Apt avoids quite nicely]
> My personal opinion is that Apt is *already* the way to go. If the
> devteam managed to get it partly done before we'd expected or hoped, I
> think we should recommend it as the upgrade method, and include it in
> the base2_0.tgz in place of dpkg-ftp.

This issue has been addressed in some detail by the testing group.  To
begin with, I must point out that some dpkg installation methods these
days do quite a nice job of package ordering on their own (I think
dpkg-ftp is the best one aside from apt).  That being said, sure, none
of them are as nice as apt.

Futhermore, there is a difference, I think, between selection of the
acquisition method for *upgrades* versus *new* installations.

Finally, even if we do provide apt as an alternative mechanism for
*upgrading*, there's the question of using apt via dselect or using
'apt-get dist-upgrade'.  My recommendation is to use 'dist-upgrade',
and then use dselect with the apt method, and manually remove old
packages which are no longer needed (since dist-upgrade intentionally
tries to preserve the existing package state as much as possible).

Finally, there are still some reports that apt segfaults for some
systems.  Jason has done an excellent job of responding to these
issues as they arise, but it's natural there may be bugs yet in the
system.  So I feel that droping the road-tested autoup.sh would be a

This is my recommendation:

(a) we need specific installation instructions for upgrading.  Igor,
    is this supposed to be part of the install.sgml document, or is it

(b) recommend for upgrades that users use *either* autoup.sh or, if
    they are daring, 'apt-get dist-upgrade' followed by making it
    dselect's acquisition method.  It would be excellent to support
    both of these methods via CDROM is possible, but I would hate to
    see that slow down the hamm release cycle.

(c) document how to best go about upgrading with either method.  I
    have an outline of documentation for upgrading via apt; I'd be
    happy to complete this if I have committment from someone (either
    Igor, or the apt maintainers I guess) that this document is needed
    and useful and will ship, and *where* it will ship.

(d) document how to use apt for new installations, as an alternative;
    basically all we need here is a pointer to where to get the
    package, and why they may or may not want to try it.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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