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Re: apt and hamm

On Sun, Jun 14, 1998 at 12:59:49AM -0600, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> In article <[🔎] 19980614142742.A11911@azure.humbug.org.au> you wrote:
> : My personal opinion is that Apt is *already* the way to go.
> Absolutely.  100% of the people I've suggested apt to (which is now almost
> everyone in my circle of Debian friends) has switched to it for good.  I have
> had several people tell me that the apt method for dselect makes a positive,
> fundamental change in their perception of Debian.

Indeed, it made a change in my perception as to the complexity and pitfalls
of the dselect program.  Poor handling of complex dependancies, no handling
of multiple mirrors.

Apt doesn't purge packages right yet though, and if a download screws up,
you can occasionally have a screwed up font caused by garbage echoed to the
screen..  This has happened I think only with the ftp access method, but it
still does happen.

It's still got quirks, but you couldn't pay me to go back to plain ftp
method.  Well, if you paid me a lot maybe.  <g>

> I wouldn't dream of not installing apt as part of the installation of any
> new systems I help with... 
> Not putting it in hamm won't hurt me or my friends, but I think it will help
> to perpetuate the perception that Debian is hard to install.  Having said this,
> I really really want hamm to get released as close to *NOW* as possible.  Thus,
> if this needs to wait for the first point release, so be it.

Oh certainly.  It's indispensable IMO.

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