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Re: Emacs column selection/deletion?

Zed Pobre <zed@moebius.interdestination.com> writes:

>     Another minor (and separate) quibble I have is not being able to
> find out how to get emacs to handle the C indentation my way instead of
> its way.  I prefer the
> void fctn(void)
> {
>   if (abcd == defg)
>   {
>     do this;
>     do that;
>   }
> }

The function you're probably looking for is c-set-offset.  Check out
the emacs-20 info pages (C-h i and go from there), and you'll find a
separate info section for CC mode.  It'll tell you far more than you
wanted to know.  If you put your cursor at a given position, C-c C-s
will tell you the syntactic interpretation of the current line, and
that's what you'll need to know to decide what to tell c-set-offset...

>     And while I'm at it, why does changelog mode insist on inserting
> tabs on a line wrap, both breaking the formatting AND the changelog
> instead of inserting spaces up to the text begin point after the * ?
> I figure I must have done something wrong to get that one, since I'm
> guessing a whole lot of people would have been complaining before now if
> the problem were widespread, but I can't figure out what.

As far as I'm concerned, tabs are evil and should be outlawed :> I
recommend (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) at startup.  In any
case, presuming you're in the right mode, I'm not sure I understand
what you're describing...

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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