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Re: Emacs column selection/deletion?

On Sunday, May 10, Zed Pobre wrote
>     I've been trying to do something that should be reasonably simple in
> Emacs (20) and I can't anything in any documentation about it.
>     How do you select a number of columns in Emacs and then manipulate
> them (usually I'm only interested in deleting them).  NEdit provides a
> nifty little feature that allows you to hold down the ctrl key while you
> select with the mouse, and that will select a rectangular region
> effectively allowing column selection, and so far whenever I've needed
> to chop a few columns out of a large number of lines I've exited Emacs,
> entered ne, selected, deleted, and then gone back to Emacs, but it
> frustrates me that I can't figure out how to get Emacs to do it.  

You're looking for the *-rectangle functions. They're mapped by default
under C-x r. Do C-x r C-h for a list.

To delete a rectangle, do C-x r k


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