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Re: intent to package ipchains

On Sat, 16 May 1998, Peter Tobias wrote:

Hi Peter,

> ipfwadm is already in netbase so I planned to add ipchains to netbase too.
> In order to make the IP spoofing protection stuff from the netbase scripts
> work ipfwadm is needed for 2.0.x kernels and ipchains is needed for 2.1.x
> kernels.
Ok, no problems, I hadn't actually got anywhere with packaging it up as
yet, so there's no time lost on my end.  I might look for something that
has been orphaned or wont be needed by a lot of people in a hurry :)


| Dave Cook  Perth, Western Australia |
| Internet:  davecook@wt.com.au       |
| on IRC as Cevad                     |

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