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Re: Are we shipping 2.0 with ipmasq in the default kernel?

"Rev. Joseph Carter" <knghtbrd@earthlink.net> writes:

> On Tue, Apr 14, 1998 at 07:27:03AM -0400, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> > Well, script is sure nice, but when I installed the whole distribution from
> > scratch yesterday, it was some pain: I requested ipmasq package to be
> > installed (among other 800 or so things :) and when it asked me how to
> > configure itself, I had no idea how to answer the questions it asked - like
> > the IP of external interface- how do I know, it is a ppp dialup! So, I left
> > the answers blank. As a result, after reboot my system had ALL the networking
> > forbidden. Purging the package helped, but I had to spend quite a few minutes 
> > figuring out what's going on.
> Find the IP Masq HOWTO and make use of same.  It'll save you LOTS of pain.


Or better still... Use 'tcpquota', makes the whole thing easier, and you can keep
a track on how much your user's are calling for... :)

(please let me know how it progress...)

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