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Re: kernel-headers-2.0.32 vs. kernel-headers-2.0.33

On Mon, Apr 13, 1998 at 12:56:49PM +0200, Richard Braakman wrote:

> > A question which comes to my curious mind...  is there a way a program
> > running as root can ask the kernel things like "do you support modules and
> > module versioning?" or is the above script which hung my machine without
> > so much as an oops from 2.1.82 till 2.1.89 the only way an installer can
> > check these things?  (it reads autoconf.h)
> The preinst from the ftape-modules packages contains a few checks like that:


Interesting methods you used.  Now, why doesn't OSS do it this way?  heh

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