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Re: source packaging format (was Re: Questions about plans for Emacs 20...)

On Apr 07, Falk Hueffner decided to present us with:
> On Sun, 5 Apr 1998 22:43:28 +0100, Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@ull.es>
> wrote:
> >Well, it's not broken, but we have no way to use pristine sources with
> >multiple-tar packages, so it may be improved (and it should).
> And there are *still* no source dependencies yet... Are there any
> plans about this in 2.x versions?

I would really appreciate some work on the source package
format, and I could lend a hand - see my problem with djgpp:

To compile the djgpp cross-compiler to DOS, you need to unpack
the gcc and binutils sources somewhere, then unpack the djcrx
stuff over it. Go figure the size of my .orig.tar.gz... OTOH, if
we made some minor changes to the dsc file, it could know it has
to unpack gcc-whatever.orig.tar.gz binutils-whatever.orig.tar.gz
and then djgpp-whatever.orig.tar.gz. Maybe we could even come up
with a way to apply the .diff's...

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