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Re: Problems with equivs


Manoj Srivastava, in an immanent manifestation of deity, wrote:
>Darren> Now, I don't want to install mbr since I want lilo to manage
>Darren> my boot-records. I have no reason to use another bm.
>	Huh? mbr and LILO coexist on a system. There is no need to
> stop using LILO if you use mbr (I have both). In fact, from the long
> descriion of mbr:

Wherever did you get the idea that I wanted to get rid of lilo?  I think 
lilo does fine with its own boot record and doesn't need another package
to complicate matters.  The simpler the boot process (until the kernel
comes up) the better.

>	Those packages are not indentical (in fact, it has been
> demontrated that having the wrong one can hose some compiles). The
> people putting together the libc and kernel packages are not exactly
> all idiots, you know. The dependency has a reason. 

I never said that anyone was an idiot.  They just might have a different 
setup than I do.  I've gone back to kernel-headers 2.0.32.  Could you
give me an example of where 2.0.33 causes problems?

>Darren> So, how do I use equivs to convince apt-get update that things
>Darren> really are fine...
>	In cases like this it genrally helps to be correct before
> trying to convince other entities.

Last time I checked, apt-get wasn't an entity.  I think software should
always allow for sys-admins/programmers/users to override their
decisions.  This is why rm has a '-f' flag.  If I think I know what I'm
doing, I should be given enough rope to hang myself, if I ask
correctly.  Note that in no way am I asking that this be the default
behaviour or that it's even documented.  I'm just saying it should be
doable.  "Hard things should be possible and easy things should be

- -- 
<torin@daft.com> <http://www.daft.com/~torin> <torin@debian.org> <torin@io.com>
Darren Stalder/2608 Second Ave, @282/Seattle, WA 98121-1212/USA/+1-800-921-4996
@ Sysadmin, webweaver, postmaster for hire.  C/Perl/CGI programmer and tutor. @
@		     Make a little hot-tub in your soul.		      @

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