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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

Will Lowe wrote:
> The major problem, as I understand it,  is that people want to have
> a "frozen" stable directory so that "Debian 1.3.1" is always the same.
>  Maybe what we need is to do that,  and also have a date system --
> maintainers can upload into "stable-updates",  and this directory, 
> after a month,  will become "Debian 1.3.1 updates as of \today". 

I think that if we continue to talk about some kind of "stable-update",
we will only get negative reactions.

What we need here is, IMHO, an "unstable-for-libc5". Not a complete
distribution, but simply a repository for packages from unstable
recompiled (by official debian maintainers) and packaged using libc5
that is in stable (that is to say compiled on a stable system).

Users should be made aware that those binaries are exactly the same that
are in unstable, simply with different dependencies (and a slightly
different version number).
In this way bugs should continue to be tracked as usual.

Having this repository, even someone without access to a hamm system
could be a usefull debian maintainer, doing recompilations for those
maintainers that cannot or won't do this by themself.

| fpolacco@icenet.fi    fpolacco@debian.org    fpolacco@pluto.linux.it
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