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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)


I'm sorry to say that this question seems to be obsolete. As Ruce Perens
stated more than one time, every distribution will use ANSI packages, when
they are defined.

Please notice, that the *.deb format is not more than a ar file with a
control (text) file. I don't think that this is the essence of debian...

Thank you,

On 21 Oct 1997, Eloy A. Paris wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I guess this is quite old but I just read it today when I did a
> search for the word "Deity" in my news server (I have a mail to news
> gateway).
> I have just read the first three messages out of 20 or something so
> I don't know what's next but I thought I have to express how I
> feel right now.
> Bruce Perens <bruce@debian.org> wrote:
> : As long as the majority of people still think dpkg/dselect are 150%
> : superior, we'll stick with them. Is that how everyone feels?
> I _love_ dpkg, dselect, the packaging system, the .deb packages and
> the Debian project. That's why I became a developer in the first place.
> I don't understand someone would want to change something that
> so important to the project as the developers themselves: the Debian
> packaging system is what differentiates it from the rest of the Linux
> distributions and from other unixes as well. To have another packaging
> system, not developed by Debian developers in the first place, would
> mean that Debian does not exist anymore, at least for me.
> I'll continue reading this thread and I really _hope_ the general
> consensus is that dpkg/dselect is Debian.
> E.-
> --
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