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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

On 21 Oct 1997, Eloy A. Paris wrote:

> > Bruce Perens <bruce@debian.org> wrote:
> > 
> > As long as the majority of people still think dpkg/dselect are 150%
> > superior, we'll stick with them. Is that how everyone feels?
> I don't understand someone would want to change something that
> so important to the project as the developers themselves: the Debian
> packaging system is what differentiates it from the rest of the Linux
> distributions and from other unixes as well.

There is (atleas should be) room for improvenments... The packaging rules,
but the handling could be easier for beginners, without sacrificing usability
for advanced users to much. As dselect works today, I usualy recomends RH
for total beginners and Debian for those with security needs or that I think
is brave enough to try Debian. The problem is not that dselect isn't easy
to use, the problem is that it is not easy for a beginner to know _WHAT_
packages to install...

> I'll continue reading this thread and I really _hope_ the general
> consensus is that dpkg/dselect is Debian.

Defenetly, but we chould have another 'install program' than dselect for
those who are not that very good (or little) in UN*X terms...

 Turbo    _ ///     If there are no Amigas in heaven, send me to HELL!
 ^^^^^    \\\/
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 Turbo Fredriksson                                     Tel: +46-704-697645
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