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Re: Selection-time configuration, delayed configuration, &c

From: Ian Jackson <ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
> Why do we want selection-time configuration ?
> It seems to me that this has been much-touted, but isn't actually all
> that useful.

This is required for "push" network installs and batch workgroup
installs of multiple systems. To support these in general, it's
necessary to configure as much as possible in one session, move the
configuration to a workstation as a piece, and then perform the install
in non-interactive mode, changing only the workstation-individual
parameters such as host name and IP address. The way we install the system
now just is not practical if you are installing 30 systems all the same.

Ian, I really do think it is necessary.


Bruce Perens K6BP   Bruce@Pixar.com   510-215-3502
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