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Release Schedules, etc.

I'm in the process of starting to introduce Debian into my workplace (have
been using it personally for about a year).  For what it's worth, I'd like
to comment on how often I'd like to see new Debian releases come out: no
more than about twice a year.  More often than twice a year results in
excessive fiddling with fixing bugs and glitches.  Two solid well tested
and relatively bug free releases per year are a good target to shoot for.
If you are looking at penetrating the corporate environment and not
burning your developers out, two releases per year may be worth
considering.   Perhaps fewer releases per year may also allow a little
more time for working on improving installation and configuration

Regarding why I chose Debian, here's the main reasons:

Technical :
- the packaging system
- the attention to minimizing security holes
- the excellent technical support on the mailing lists

- the spirit of distributed volunteer development, as it closely
  resembles how Linux was developed in the first place (because
  I think that it is a model that works very well)

Comment regarding new official CD and artwork policy:

For me, it's not a big issue in choosing Debian.  The most important
aspects in choosing a distribution (for me) are technical and
philosophical.  I'm sure that if you build a clearly superior
distribution, it is inevitable that its use will sky-rocket.  All it would
take is recognition of that technical superiority in a few well placed

Keep up the great work guys!


Nick Busigin     <Sent from my Debian/GNU Linux Machine>    nick@xwing.org

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