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Official Debian Release

Some thoughts on the whole CD issue:

Have we copyrighted the name `Debian'? We don't want a problem similar
to what Linux is going through.

As an organization we need to control the use of the name or
we risk losing it. This does not need to be Draconian. Having
an official release and putting a few conditions on its use
protects our interests. Nothing more. Anyone who agrees to these
conditions can put out an official release. Anyone can put out
a non-official release. All the code is still freely available.
We are just putting restrictions on commercial parties that want
to redistribute THAT version.
I can't really see any rational objections to this. The point of
discussion should be focused on what the conditions are.

I would hope that the release of the official version would be delayed
by a week or two from the distribution release so we can catch any

- Sue

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