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Re: Debian development using the master account?


> Of course all these depends entirely on whether there are enough
> resources available to us on master (Is the owner of master reading
> this thread?).  The nice level of building .deb files can be set
> properly to avoid heavy CPU load.

Since rebuilding Packages from Source needs to be done 

a) for other architectures and 
b) for a complete ssystem rebuild/bootstrap

we should define some support for 'non maintainer' compiles. Then the usual
diff/orig.tgz uploads ensure, that only small traffic needs to go to master
(i.e. no binaries). But I'm afraif that this is not a short-term goal.
Especially since we neighter have to money to pay for bandwith/cpu, nor we
have full-time workers which would be needed to set up a complete source
tree with dependencies (at least for required packages).

IMHO a source tree for the base system is very important for stable releases.
We can then reduce our release mangement to those few packages and
distribute all other packages as 'additional software' just like *BSD* is
doing. Otherwise the debian system is much too big and too many developers
are involved for stable releases. Unfortunatelly we can't use Section: base
or Priority: required for selection those 'main distribution packages'
 since a few development tools are required to bootstrap the system
(libc-dev and gcc and kernel*, to name 3).

  (OO)      -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wittumstrasse13.76646Bruchsal.de --
 ( .. )  ecki@{inka.de,linux.de,debian.org} http://home.pages.de/~eckes/
  o--o     *plush*  2048/93600EFD  eckes@irc  +4972573817  BE5-RIPE
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