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What is a distribution? (was: Non-free section)

The recent discussion about the different Debian-distributions confuses
me: what is a distribution within a distribution?

To get things clear even in a linguistic manner I would suggest to use
specific terms like

     (1) The (one and only) Debian-distribution
     (2) had several releases over the past years and
     (3) consists of a "core set of applications" (short: core) and
     (4) several bundles (non-free, non-us ...)

But I'm no native speaker and the above is only a quick thought. I choosed
"bundle" because "pack" could be confused with the packages.

More generally:

    (I) Restrict the use of "distribution" for the genus which covers
        everything in Debian.
   (II) Introduce new designations for non-free, non-us, ...

BTW, "bundle" sounds like an overvalue, which is a positive attribute
and therefore ok. I think the current distribution hides to much of it's
value. Even the "non-..." are too negative ... this is an issue for
debian-publicity. :-)


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