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Bug#2198: uuxqt can't execute rmail

Good evening folks!

Package: smail

Unfortunately the program "rmail" from smail is installed in
/usr/sbin. UUCP (or uuxqt rsp.) searches for it in
/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin, so it won't find it. (btw: the same
happens to rsmtp)

This should be fixed soon, because uucp nukes incoming mails when it
can't find rmail. :(



PS: Is anyone able to compile Smail? I'm not due to a wellknown bug in
many Makefiles.

  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                            Erfahrung ist eine n|tzliche Sache /
/ Leider macht man sie immer erst kurz nachdem man sie brauchte /

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