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Re: cpp and gcc are both providing elf-gcc

>>>>> "Nikhil" == Nikhil Nair <nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk> writes:

    Nikhil> Hang on a minute ... have I got this right?  Is this the
    Nikhil> current position: gcc has its own copy of cpp in-built, so
    Nikhil> if you install both cpp and gcc, you effectively get two
    Nikhil> copies of the same binary; then, when some other package
    Nikhil> needs the preprocessor, it depends explicitly on cpp?  In
    Nikhil> other words, if you have gcc and something like Calendar,
    Nikhil> you end up with two copies of the C preprocessor?

You got it. We are talking about a 70k binary in /usr/bin, what's the

    Nikhil> And MY suggestion is too much hassle? :-)

No, but is requires advanced features of dpkg when a user later
changes mind - the way we did it both packages can be installed or
removed independently.


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