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Re: Diskless boot NFS server image

In article <[🔎] 87g17sbz1u.fsf@abraxas.burg.oche.de> you write:
>btw. have you had a look on the nfsroot package? Another interesting
>option is the Linux-Remote-Boot-HOWTO.

Yes. I have seen it, but I never liked it that much, as it seemed to
specific to the authors setup. While nfsroot is faster then I package
(which I have made publicly available, see below...), it should be
possible to speed up my package once I work at a critical issue:

With my package, files are copied according to a set of rules.
Rather then list all the files that you want copied and all the
files you don't want copied, I thought it would be good if you
could simply put the name of the Debian package in instead. This
would mean that if the debian package is updated, you don't have
to update the rules file. ie you can tell it not to copy any
files in dhcpd, as you probably don't want each client to have
a dhcpd server. This is good in theory, however:

- my current implementation is slow. I believe I could speed
it up if I used the perl module to access dpkg information rather
then call "dpkg -l", but I don't know how much faster it would be.

- The rules file for the host directory is still (IMHO) very complex,
even with Debian packages. With work, maybe this could be simplified,
but I was hoping that it would be much simplier. In fact, it is possible
that it might be more complex as all the exceptions have to be listed
(eg if you don't want the dpkg package to be copied but you do want

- Given the above, I am seriously considering rewriting the rules
files not to use Debian package names. Any suggestions???

I hope the above makes sense. If it doesn't then please
install my package and look at the file I am talking about
(/var/lib/diskless/template/host/rules-master). Currently, this file has
no comments. If you don't understand how it works (after reading the
documentation), please ask me.

>I'm using the nfsroot package to let my terminal boot from my
>server. IMHO it's pretty fast - if not I would have dropped this
>solution, because it's only a "nice to have". But nfsroot is very
>outdated, the concept is IMHO very good, but has to be adopted to
>newer librairies and so on.

Anyone interested can download my package, diskless, from


- URL subject to change without notice, however should remain easy to find.
- Documentation is in /usr/doc/diskless/
- Please send bug reports to **ME** and not the debian bug tracking
  system, as I am not yet a registered Debian developer.

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