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Re: DAM approval wait time?

On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 02:34:09PM +0200, Russell Coker wrote:

> My opinion is that some developers are more important, and Andrew I
> regard you as being more important than most because of the
> committment you have shown to the project and the quality of your
> Debianplanet work.
> ...
> One issue for some people taking a long time to go through the new
> maintainer could be that of proving their identity and intentions
> adequately.  So famous people get accepted faster, but this should
> apply to you!

	Thanks, but I don't really deserve the credit for Debian
Planet because I only wrote a small percentage of articles during
Debian Planet's early days. Robster deserves most of the credit for
having kept it going so long and setting it up. I only brought it up
because the site isn't held in high regard by some Debian developers
and thus I have to wonder whether I am prejudiced by association. I
don't believe I deserve any special consideration over others in the
NM queue, but there needs to be a lot more equality for all
prospective NMs.
	The only way this is going to happen is if the DAM James Troup
shares his responsibilities and that the process HAS to be

> However I don't think that less important people should have to wait
> excessive amounts of time or be excluded.  Even someone who
> maintains a single package can provide a benefit to the project as a
> whole if maintaining that package allows a developer who maintains
> many packages to be able to focus more on a smaller number of
> packages and do a better job!

	That's the point. Everyone starts off with a small amount of
packages in the beginning, and if they like what they're doing,
they'll take on more packages and become more experienced/skills over
time. I currently have 4 packages uploaded, 1 incoming, and 3 intent
to package. I'm already pretty disillusioned with the NM process and
every time I squeeze some time out of homework to work on my ITPs or
fix bugs, I start asking myself whether it's really worth doing so
when I could be studying instead. In the past, I kept on doing on it
because it made me feel good being part of something bigger in
	The point I'm trying to make is that the longer some of us NMs
have to wait to move anywhere in the project, the more we'll be
disgruntled and just give up contributing anymore to the Debian

Yours sincerely,
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau

* Andrew 'Netsnipe' Lau                   Computer Science & Sturep, UNSW *
*   "apt-get into it"                        Debian GNU/Linux Packager    *
*     <netsnipe(+)debianplanet.org\0>      <alau(+)cse.unsw.edu.au\0>     *
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