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Re: the netbase/inetd conspiracy

On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 10:29:41AM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:
> Then netkit-inetd is broken. If I remove a configuration file, it damn
> well better stay gone unless I do something explicit to re-add it.

Funny how it's been this broken for as long as Debian's existed, and no
one's noticed. Why, you'd almost think it didn't actually cause problems,
and that people were more interested in focussing on fixing things that
actually helped people. Randomly deleting things and expecting them to
work and stay deleted doesn't work, so you shouldn't expect it. It's not
even particularly useful.

(Pick a topic. Pick a flaw. Post about it to -devel, and someone's sure
to be outraged by the problem, and insist it be fixed immediately. It's
concentrated tedium in Internet form.)


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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