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Re: Dselect insists on installing "info" when "cvs" is selected

*  (Otto Wyss)

| > *  (Otto Wyss)
| > 
| > | Why does dselect complain a missing dependency of "info" when "cvs" is
| > | seleted even if "cvs" only recommends "info"?
| > 
| > cvs doesn't recommend info, but info-browser.
| Yes, you are right

Please don't Cc me on mailing list postings.

| Could you maybe change this "recommends" to "sugests"? Why do do use
| "recommends" here?

Because it was like that when I got the package.  You can file a
wishlist bug if you think it's worthwhile.

Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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