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Re: [vulture@aoi.dyndns.org: Bug#100744: Binary should be in /usr/bin, since it's useful to non-admins.]


On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 07:43:03PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 01:19:06AM -0400, Rene Weber wrote:
> > I would very much appreciate an actual argument from you as to why my
> > interpretation of the FHS is incorrect.

[Craig wrote]
> if you've been following the thread then you've seen it several times
> already.

    Then my reading or attention has been deficient.  If that is the case,
then I apologize.  *Please* provide me with a reference to such an argument,
since I have not seen an unrefuted argument that my interpretation of the
FHS is incorrect.

> i'm not at all interested in arguing with people who don't/won't listen.

    Neither am I, but I am willing to keep giving you the benefit of the
doubt and asking for your input so that you have a chance to change my mind.

> more to the point, i am not interested in continuing this particular
> tedious "debate".
> feel free to have the last word.

    I want to kill this debate.  I want to stop it from recurring.  The only
way that I see that that can be done is to change what we are doing so that
we can swiftly kill the thread next time.  The status quo has obviously
failed to do that (hence, the thread keeps returning), so something must
change.  I don't particularly care which way it swings (traceroute et al.
move, or Policy or the FHS changes), but if you care about killing the
thread at its root, I fail to see how just letting it die furthers that


+---           (Rene Weber is <rene_autoreply@elvenlord.com>)          ---+
|  "Our notion of symmetry is derived from the human  face.   Hence,  we  |
|  demand symmetry horizontally and in breadth only, not vertically  nor  |
|  in depth."                                            -- Blaise Pascal |
+---  E-Mail Policy & web page: <http://satori.home.dhs.org/~rweber/>  ---+

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