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Re: Is there a tool which keeps track of space on filesystems during install?

On 25-May-01, 08:37 (CDT), Matthias Berse <matthias.berse@ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote: 
> I would really like to see a tool which shows space requirements on
> the different partitions and some sort of sanity check before
> upgrades. Are there such tools in debian or has been thought of such
> tools?

Strangely enough, I just started going through some very old policy
proposals (http://bugs.debian.org/debian-policy, looked under the
"fixed" category) with the purpose of cleaning out dead proposals and
attempting to revivify good ones that seem to have slipped through the
cracks.  One that seemed worth revivifying was a proposal to do exactly
what you want. What makes it difficult is that it requires mods to katie
(the tool that processes the uploads, builds the Packages file, etc.)
and to apt.

This isn't a promise that it will happen, of course, but it might be
easier now than it was when it was originally proposed a few years ago,
because I think both apt and the archive tools have improved a lot.


Steve Greenland <stevegr@debian.org>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
every list I post to.)

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