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Re: Package Reorganisations

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

    Anthony> You'll note it's not available in unstable though, and
    Anthony> that libssl09 is built from openssl sources. So if
    Anthony> libssl09 were to remain in woody when openssl is updated,
    Anthony> it'll no longer be buildable from source, which would be
    Anthony> bad. Hence if openssl gets updated, libssl09 will be
    Anthony> removed, just like it is in unstable.

Oh, so any packages removed from unstable will eventually
automatically get removed from testing too.

Thanks - that makes sense now.

Do the auto-builders realize that a package relies on out-of-date
libraries and automatically rebuild?

If so, what happens to the version number of the resultant *.deb file
(this probably touches on a point I raised in another thread today)?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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