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new partial mirror script

With the demise of ftp.stormix.com (at least for now), I cannot find any
rsync debian mirrors that are fast enough, so I have switched to
maintaining my partial mirrror with ftp. I write a little program that
does this quite well, the man page is below and the whole program is at

I wonder if there is any existing package it makes sense to put this
program in? One idea is to put it in libnet-perl as an example since it
uses that library.

DEBMIRROR(1)   User Contributed Perl Documentation   DEBMIRROR(1)

       debmirror - Debian partial mirror script, with ftp and
       package pool support

       debmirror mirrordir [options]

       This program downloads and maintains a partial local
       Debian mirror. It can mirror any combination of architec-
       tures, distributions, and sections. Files are transferred
       by ftp, and package pools are fully supported. It also
       does locking and updates trace files.

       To support package pools, this program mirrors in three

       1. download Packages and Sources files
	   First it downloads all Packages and Sources files for
	   the subset of Debian it was instructed to get.

       2. clean up unknown files
	   Any files and directories on the local mirror that are
	   not in the list are removed.

       3. download everything else
	   The Packages and Sources files are scanned, to build
	   up a list of all the files they refer to. A few other
	   miscellaneous files are added to the list.  Then the
	   program makes sure that each file in the list is pre-
	   sent on the local mirror and is up-to-date, using file
	   size (and optionally md5sum) checks.  Any necessary
	   files are downloaded.

	   This required parameter specifies where the local mir-
	   ror directory is. If the directory does not exist, it
	   will be created. Be careful; telling this program that
	   your home directory is the mirrordir is guarenteed to
	   replace your home directory with a Debian mirror!

	   Enables verbose debug output, including ftp protocol

       --progress -p
	   Displays progress bars as files are downloaded.

	   Include source in the mirror (default).

	   Do not include source.

       --md5sums -m
	   Use md5sums to determine if files on the local mirror
	   that are the correct size actually have the correct
	   content. Not enabled by default, because it is too
	   paranoid, and too slow.

	   Download in passive mode.

       --host=remotehost -h
	   Specify the remote host to mirror from. Defaults to
	   ftp.debian.org, you are strongly encouraged to find a
	   closer mirror.

       --root=directory -r directory
	   Specifies the directory on the remote host that is the
	   root of the Debian archive. Defaults to "/debian",
	   which will work for most mirrors. The root directory
	   has a dists/ subdirectory.

       --dist=foo[,bar,..] -d foo
	   Specify the distribution (version) of Debian to mir-
	   ror. This switch may be used multiple times, and mul-
	   tiple distributions may be specified at once, sepa-
	   rated by commas. Defaults to mirroring unstable.

       --section=foo[,bar,..] -s foo
	   Specify the section of Debian to mirror. Defaults to

       --arches=foo[,bar,..] -a foo
	   Specify the architectures to mirror. You must prefix
	   the name of the architecture with 'binary-', as in
	   'binary-i386', which is the default.

	   Note that to mirror the debian-installer's part of the
	   archive, you can use 'debian-installer/binary-i386'

	   Do clean up any unknown files and directories on the
	   local mirror (see step 2 above). On by default.

	   Do not clean up the local mirror after mirroring is

	   Never delete any files whose filenames match the

	   Don't re-download Packages and Sources files. Useful
	   if you know they are up-to-date.

	   Display a usage summary.

	debmirror /mirror/debian

       Simply make a mirror in /mirror/debian, using all

	debmirror /mirror/debian --ignore=non-US/
	debmirror /mirror/debian/non-US -h non-us.debian.org -r /debian-non-US \
	       -s non-US/main,non-US/contrib,non-US/non-free

       Make one full mirror, and suppliment it with a mirror of
       non-US, in a directory inside.

	debmirror -a binary-i386,binary-sparc -s main -h ftp.kernel.org \
	       -d unstable -d testing /home/me/debian/mirror --nosource \

       Make a mirror of i386 and sparc binaries, main only, and
       include both unstable and testing versions of Debian.
       Download from ftp.kernel.org.

       This program is copyright 2001 by Joey Hess
       <joeyh@debian.org>, under the terms of the GNU GPL.

       The author disclaims any responsibility for any mangling
       of your system, unexpected bandwidth usage bills, meltdown
       of the Debian mirror network, etc, that this script may
       cause. See NO WARRANTY section of GPL.

       Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>

       Waste bandwith -- put a partial mirror on your laptop

2001-01-26		   perl v5.6.0				1

see shy jo

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