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Re: wanted: m4 macros to generate mutliple similar config files

>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Schuldei <andreas@schuldei.org> writes:

    Andreas> I am looking for an example of m4 makros to generate a
    Andreas> hole set of similar configuration files (for isakmpd) for
    Andreas> several hosts.

    Andreas> Basicly in the resulting config fiels are very similar
    Andreas> for all hosts and are a permutation of the involved host.

    Andreas> but that is not the point, basicly I am looking for m4
    Andreas> makros which read an input file and create several
    Andreas> similar output files.

Have a look at my diskless-image-* packages. They use m4 extensively

Note these packages shouldn't be installed on a normal computer though
- the intention being that they should only be installed on NFS-root
images instead.

So, either have a look at the source to diskless or manually extract
it to a directory with dpkg -X.

I also have a more sophisticated set of macros for my LaTeX files, but
suspect this might be an overkill for your requirements.

Note: You will have to call m4 for each host. You can use -D to define
the values on the command line.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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