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Re: sawfish 0.33.1 broken?

On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 11:08:15PM +0100, Christian Marillat <marillat.christian@wanadoo.fr> was heard to say:
> DB>   I'm surprised that you can't support that.  What's the precise issue that
> DB> makes "(setq apps-menu my-apps-menu)" not work? (I haven't followed the
> DB> various mutations the Sawmill internals have gone through recently very
> DB> closely..)
> DB>   ("(setq apps-menu '())" works for me even after loading
> DB>    debian-menu..)
> With that my programs submenu is empty.

  Well, yes.  The point was more that you could redefine it to some arbitrary
value; for instance:

user> (require 'debian-menu)
user> (setq apps-menu debian-menu)
#<closure debian-menu>
;; (try to use the menu)
user> *** Bad argument: #<closure mapconcat>, debian-apps-menu, 1
user> (setq apps-menu '(("xterm" (system "xterm &"))))
(("xterm" (system "xterm &")))


/----------------- Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu> -----------------\
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