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Re: Proposal for a new package relationship option

On Fri, Nov 24, 2000 at 11:21:13PM -0500, Chris Gray wrote:
> Recommends: !tm 

I do like this one. If it is possible to apply to suggests and depends the
Conflicts will be depricated (but can be kept because it is easier to

Personally I like this concept with discouraging packages. It gives the
"not so experienced admin" a way to easily get information about what
configuration is easy and what is not. It might be confusing because that
person do not know "why is this not suggested?", but that person gets to
know that! And that is a really huge advantage over how it is now. People
(including me) do not read all documentation because that just takes too
much time.

The other point is that if discourages exists people will be lot more
aware of the problem and it will probably be fixed earlier than it should
have with the setup right now.

I think flexibility is good most of the time.

// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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