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ITP: motion -- V4L movement detector, produces images or MPEGs

Package: wnpp
Serverity: wishlist

I intend to package motion, a V4L based movement detector.

License: GPL > v2
URL: http://motion.sourceforge.net

>From that page:
    Motion uses a video4linux device and detects changes in the image. If a change is detected a snapshot will be taken. 
    Some of motion's options include: 
        Sending an email when detecting movement 
        Sending a SMS message when detecting movement 
        Execute external commands when detecting movement 
        Take automated snapshots on regular intervals 
        Take automated snapshots at iregular intervals using cron 
        Create mpeg movies of detected motion 
        Feed video back to a video4linux loopback for realtime viewing 

I just joined the NM queue - I will initially need a sponsor for this package.

I have built trial debs for a couple of previous versions, and now have the
blessing of the author. I will put up test packages on my own website shortly.

Paul Hedderly

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