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Re: Craig Sanders

On 2000-11-13 11:04, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
>I just received violently abusive email from Craig Sanders, who said
>that it's wankers like me who are ruining Debian, and used a variety
>of expletives to make his point.

From my observation Craig's email is direct and to the point.  He doesn't 
mess around and he doesn't mind telling people what he thinks of them.  His 
opinions are strong, but I think that they are generally accurate.

>I don't think this is tolerable behavior.  Craig is free to hold
>whatever beliefs he wants, and if they are hostile and rude, that's
>fine with me, but when he emails me, they are no longer acceptible.

If you don't like email from him then you could install a procmail rule to 
send his messages to /dev/null and inform him of the fact via a private email.

>We've all seen this email before; we've tolerated it so far.  But I
>don't think we should.  Craig does not confine his abuse to private

I think we should for 3 reasons:
1)  Craig is usually right.
2)  On the rare occasions that he is wrong he apologises.
3)  He contributes enough that it's easy to forgive him on the rare occasions 
that he is wrong.

>email, but he posts it to public forms.  This in itself is bad enough
>and casts an extremely poor image on Debian.
>I will not be accepting further email from Craig, and anything he does
>send me I will simply forward on to whichever public forum seems to
>match the content of his message most closely.

I believe that there is legal precedent that forwarding a letter you receive 
is not a breach of copyright etc.  So I disagree with Craig's assertion that 
your behaviour is illegal in this regard (although we'll probably never find 
out for sure as I doubt that he thinks you're worth sueing).  However it is 
generally agreed that maliciously forwarding private emails to public forums 
is unacceptable bahaviour.

Russell Coker

PS  I don't have any great recollection of seeing email from you on this 
list.  Do you post to any threads other than the flame threads?  I generally 
delete any thread on this list that has more than 30 messages in a day 
because it's mostly trash.

PPS  In these flame wars I often just presume that Craig is right without 
reading the messages in detail, he usually is.

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