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[ot] <rant>grub is great!</rant> (was Re: woody Debian Installer plans)

On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 07:56:33PM -0400, Daniel Burrows wrote:
>   Grub is a much nicer bootloader than lilo; I switched to it to try the Hurd,
i switched to it few hours ago just to try it. well, i'll have to work on other
architectures and knowing how to boot them makes me a little more secure.

> but it's so much nicer (in fact) that I no longer install lilo on any system
> where I can replace it with Grub.  Maybe lilo should be kept around for weird
> hardware that Grub doesn't support (is there any such hardware?), but Grub
> is really very superior in terms of interface and capabilities -- especially
grub is g-r-e-a-t, even if i could not figure out how to use the password command.
it doesn't make sense to me. what if i want to protect my linux from other users?
have i to write a new some_config.lst in order to ask a password before starting
loading linux kernel? hmmm... i hope the will actively work on it.

> because it does filesystem lookups to find the OS kernel, so installing a
> new kernel (or moving your old one on the disk) doesn't cause your system to
> become unbootable if you forget to run LILO.  And if you do somehow mess up your
especially when you start installing more linuxes. just edit a file in a place and
you are ok, *without* executing any code.

> system, you can use the Grub command line to fix your problem.  Being able to
> type:
>   root (hd0,1)
>   kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16
>   boot
>   and boot with your former kernel saves a LOT of fooling around with
> special bootdisks.
oh, yes. i love that just-in-time recover that saves you lots of reboots,
looking for the bootdisk somewhere-that-you-will-never-find and doing-on-the-fly
new boot disks on *damaged* media that won't never boot your machine again.

on-line help in those moments, when you have not any man page and any printer
configured because your system DOESN'T BOOT!

and what about that freebsd on the third partition of my second hardisk, well beyond
the 1024th cyl?

>   And did I mention that it's really nice? :)
no, you didn't :)

thank you all guys, all this talking about grub in these last messages made me
uncover a great boot loader.

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