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RE: Dates again.

> I'm in the queue at the moment (9-7-00), and I've expressed an interest in

>Here is a prime example of an ambiguous date.  Is the 9 July, or 7
>September?  Chris' domain is .net, which doesn't reveal anything about
>location.  Whois reports a location in England, so that probably indicates
>9 July.  Also, there wouldn't be much of a complaint if the date was only a
>week ago.

I had this thought as I wrote the mail. As it happens, I'd quoted the date
from nm.d.o without localising, but I should have mentioned this. Either
way - personally, I'm in agreement with the original poster in switching to
the ISO dates. It would not be such a big deal if the developers were more
of a homogenous group geographically, but with a large Europe/Americas mix
there's the potential for a lot of confusion. I don't think the obstacles (a
little bit of php recoding) outweigh the benefits on this one.

Are there any real arguments for *not* changing to ISO?

Chris Ball.
Brighton, England.
chris@printf.net | http://printf.net/

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