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Re: CDD-package inside of Debian or out? (WAS: Re: let's etch a common way of using debtags for CDDs and beyond!)

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On 18-05-2005 18:48, Sergio Talens-Oliag wrote:
> El Wed, May 18, 2005 at 05:13:13PM +0200, Jonas Smedegaard va escriure:
>>>  Of course if a derived distribution prefers to have it's own repository it
>>>  can have its description package outside Debian and use the same tools that
>>>  CDD use, but the idea about Custom Debian Distributions has always been that
>>>  they should be included on the Debian distribution.
>>That the actual distribution should be included within the Debian? Like
>>"Debian ships its main distribution consisting of 2-3 DVDs 1st of june
>>and expects to ship its Skolelinux distribution a few weeks after that"?
>   Why a few weeks after? The idea is that the skolelinux-cdd package that can
>   be used to install and generate special installation systems for Skolelinux
>   would be shipped with the main distribution, that is all. If the CDD package
>   is not ready for a release it can be left out with an RC bug and provided
>   from another source, maybe from an archive built on http://cdd.debian.org/,
>   it is not so important, IMHO.

Ok, the few weeks was to test if the final core release actually works
also with the (maybe hundreds of) smaller CDDs. But off course we can
just extend the freeze period and release everything concurrently ;-)

Also, Cobaco wrote:
> -> we currently have flavors based on how you want to install (netboot, 
> ISO, ...), we'd just be adding flavors in the dimention 'what purpose will 
> this machine serve.

The way I see it, CDDs are Debian flavors not yet adopted by Debian. I
just expressed it like this:

Sergio continued:
>>My idea is that the moment all parts of a CDD is part of Debian, the CDD
>>has become irrelevant: The main Debian distribution is then able to do
>>all of the CDD itself.
>   Sure, but you need to provide your package selections and the customizations
>   scripts, that's what I want to include on Debian, that is, one CDD equals
>   one deb.

Debian packages are "source packages" used to generate software, and
"binary packages" containing ready-to-use software.

I see cddtk "CDD profile packages" like source packages.

Binary packages fits fine in the Debian archive (as does udeb binary
packages) but not show up using aptitude.

If this is what you mean then I agree with you.


 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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