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Re: Live CDs for CDDs

El Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 08:56:36AM -0300, Ben Armstrong escribió:
> I'd like to know people's current thoughts about live CDs of CDDs.  I know 
> debian-nonprofit has a morphix-based live CD.  Debian Jr. has a 
> knoppix-based live CD (although this is not produced by debian-jr itself, 
> but rather by osef.org: the knoppix4kids CD).  Skolelinux has a live CD 
> too, although I don't recall what it is based on.  Are there any others?

  Well, I know that LinEx and GuadaLinEx use metadistros, but those are
  Derived Distributions, not CDDs.

> What are our plans for live CDs?  I take it we want to move towards 
> something within Debian itself.  There is an Alioth project for Knoppix in 
> Debian, but there is no sign of progress there.  Does anyone want to 
> kick off that effort?

  I think we should have our own system to generate LiveCDs, but I don't
  have enought time to work on it (I'll have, but not before the middle
  of may).
  My idea is to have a debian set of tools that take a list of apt
  sources, a list packages and a set of config files and generate the
  LiveCD from that.

  The process would be something like:

  1. Install the base sytem on a chroot as we would do on a real system,
  avoiding unnecesary questions (i.e. we can skip the partiton and
  formating questions and preseed the debconf database as we would do on
  a CDD).

  2. Install the rest of the preselected packages and its dependencies.
  3. If we are talking about a CDD, apply the postconfiguration scripts,
  if any.

  4. Replace or add special configuration files and programs. I think we
  should try to keep the original /etc and use a different one when
  booting as LiveCD, just to be able to install the Live system without
  editing the /etc files (well, not too much ;).
  5. Build a compressed filesystem from the chroot.

  6. Build an ISO image using the compressed filesytem and a Debian
  Kernel with support for all the needs of the LiveCD (mainly compressed

  I know that it is not as simple as I've written it, but I think it is
  doable. If someone starts working on it please write to the list.

  NOTE: I have not tested it, but Debix
  <http://debix.alioth.debian.org/> seems to be more or less what I'm
  talking about.

Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto@debian.org>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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