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Re: how to set digest mode? (was Re: unsubscribe)

On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:46:38PM -0700, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> OK, OK! Quit haranguing me.

(Incidentally, those who wondered why anyone would want digest mode on
debian-curiosa, this demonstrates my point.  d-c is low-traffic
normally, but for many subscribers it's also very low priority.  It's
irritating to be subscribed to d-c for the fun bits, but then when an
interesting thread comes along to be pinged many times a day as these
low-priority messages come through.  Setting digest mode ensures there
will never be more than one such message a day, far preferable to simply

> I agree. I just got through re-vamping the lists.debian.org code, and
> it's all fixed so that you can toggle digest mode on any list.

Thanks very much for this.

> Now, all you have to do to set the digest flag on any list you're
> subscribed to is send the following command to the list address:

To clarify, surely this should be sent to the list's "-request" address,
i.e. <debian-curiosa-request@l.d.o>, rather than the list itself?  It's
rather confusing to have a list control message that is sent *in-band*,
when we've been working so hard to educate list newbies to send them to
an out-of-band address :-)

 \     "It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you |
  `\   know that you would lie if you were in his place."  -- Henry L. |
_o__)                                                          Mencken |
bignose@zip.com.au  F'print 9CFE12B0 791A4267 887F520C B7AC2E51 BD41714B

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-curiosa-request@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org

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