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Re: tcl and xcin input problem

the program that works great with chinese and diacritics is TreeLine 
(http://www.bellz.org/treeline/). Basically I was loking for something 
taht would display data in a tree as Leo does and that would allow me to 
make a lot of notes around, define relations etc. The TreeLine is not 
that great (Leo really is!, you know it if you have used it). Strange 
thing is that I was able to input directly into Leo under Windows. So it 
should work under Linux too.
Strange thing is that I can run Leo only from xcinterm-big5. When I 
press shift-alt xcin comes up, but when I type it input normal keys from 
my keyboard and ignores xcin completely.
If I try to run it from xcinterm-gb2312 it gives me this error:
Traback (most recent call last):
    File "./leo.py", line 195, in ?
    File "./leo.py", line 130, in run
        root = Tkinter.Tk()
    File "/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-tk/Tkinter.py", line 1538, in __init__
        self.tk = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className)
_tkinter.TclError: Cant't find a usable init.tcl in the following 
            /usr/lib/tcl8.4 /  
then begins some mess with chinese characters and spaces and then it says:
This probably means that Tcl isn't installed properly.

Well, I understand it only to the extent that I can say that I should 
reinstall Tcl. I did it,both dpkg-reconfigure and that from source. 
Nothing.  Well I would guess that gb is maybe more sensitive (?) and 
that the error shows up in big5 only in the way, that I can't type.
Any ideas?

Alex Lau ??? wrote:

>Petr Simon wrote:
>>this problem is for big5 too, but I guess almost everyone who reads big5 
>>reads gb too and vise versa.
>>The problem: I'd like to use Leo 
>>(http://webpages.charter.net/edreamleo/front.html) for my MA thesis in 
>>chinese linguistics, which means that I have to input a lot of stuff 
>>both in chinese and in my native language which has few diacritics. Leo 
>>is written in Python and uses Tcl/Tk for it's GUI. I wrote to the author 
>>and it really seems that  the problem is in Tcl/Tk, 'cause I have 
>>another quite similar program in Python which is qt GUIed and it works 
>>great with anything. Well Python handles unicode without a problem.
>>Basically I can paste into it (fonts are quite bad), but I can't 
>>directly type in.
>>Any experience, help, pointers ?
>>Thanks fo help
>>P.S. Thanks to Andre for being always very helpful help ;-)
>what other program you are talking about?
>It Tcl/TK didn't convert encoding back to UTF it may be a parblem.
>I don't know what kind of function you need for your thesis..
>but personally if you want to use UTF, java app will be the best
>choose from my experience.

| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org
| and converted from gb2312 to big5 by an automatic gateway.
| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org
| and converted from gb2312 to big5 by an automatic gateway.

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