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Translation of the Dedication paper

中文譯文夾雜在中間. 英文原文也有些刪節. 中文譯文並非 Debian 的正式文件.
譯文文筆亦有不通順之處, 甚至謬誤, 敬請諸位同仁指正. 若有需要在媒體中引
用此中文譯文者, 萬請事先征得正式的 Debian Developers 的同意. 萬萬.

趙蔚 zhaoway <zw@zhaoway.com>


Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 15:51:21 -0400
From: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>
To: debian-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: Dedication of the Debian 2.2 release

This is the first public announcement of this intention. Some may notice
two new files in our archive (or on mirrors) and on the new Test Cycle 3
CD's. This is a dedication of this release to a recently daparted member
of our Project, Joel Klecker, who died unexpectedly at age 21.

The dedication can be found (and is attached here for completeness) at:


You will also find a file with it called dedication-2.2.sigs.tar.gz, which
contains close to 200 PGP signatures from our Developers for the

Joel's death was the result of a life long battle with Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy. Information for donations to the Muscular Dystrophy Association
can be found here and will be greatly appreciated (please make donations
in Joel's name, if you so desire):


  Ben Collins


Dedicated to Joel 'Espy' Klecker

謹獻給 Joel 'Espy' Klecker

On July 11, 2000, the Debian Project, and the Free Software Community as a
whole, lost a very dear friend and developer. For most of Joel's life he
had been fighting a disease known as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Since
July of 1997, Joel has been a Debian developer, and for most of that time
was bed-ridden because of this disease. Joel was 21 when he died, far from
the ripe age we imagine most people in our field will reach. His great
dedication to the project is an inspiration to us all, and will never be

7月11日, Debian 工程, 以及全部自由軟件社團, 失去了一位親愛的朋友和開發者.
Joel 在生命中的大部份時間一直在和一種叫做 Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
的疾病搏鬥. 因為這種疾病, Joel 自 1997 年 7 月成為 Debian 開發者以來, 大
部份時間是在病床上度過的. Joel 終年 21 歲, 甚至尚未達到一般所估計的, 我們
這個領域中大多數人達到成熟的年齡. 他對 Debian 工程的卓越貢獻, 是對我們所
有人的激勵, 我們將永遠銘記在心.

He was known by most of us as "Espy", his IRC nickname, and also as the
outspoken voice we heard on the mailing lists, never afraid to speak his
mind in a way that only Joel could do, with humor and directness. He
maintained a level of excellence in many important packages for Debian.
His expertise and knowledge was never questioned. Those of us who have
the honor of carrying on the work that he has done for us, will try to
maintain it to his degree of technical perfection.

他不僅以 "Espy", 他在 IRC 上的別名, 這個名字為我們所熟知, 更以其在
Mailing lists 中發表的獨到的觀點而為我們所了解, Joel 從不猶豫用他獨特的
方式, 直捷並充滿幽默地說出他的想法. 他為許多關鍵的 Debian 軟件包確立了
優秀的品質. 他的專業水平和知識從未得到懷疑. 我們中間有幸繼續他為我們
所做工作的人, 將努力以達到他的卓越技術水準.

Most of us had no idea the trials that Joel endured every day of his
life. Not until near the end did any of us know he even had this disease.
Only now are we realizing his dedication, and the friendship that he
bestowed upon us. So as a show of our appreciation, and in memory of his
inspirational life, this release of Debian is for him.

我們大多數人並不知曉 Joel 在生活中的每一天所不得不承擔起的疾病重負. 甚至
直到最後, 我們才不幸獲悉他身患如此重疾. 現在, 我們終於能意識到 Joel 慷慨
與我們分享的友誼和他為 Debian 所做的貢獻. 為了表達我們對他的感激之情, 
追憶其滿溢激勵之情的一生, 謹以此 Debian 版本獻給 Joel.

 * The "Joel 'Espy' Klecker" release
 * "Joel 'Espy' Klecker" 版

-- The Debian Developers

-- Debian 開發者

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