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git for beginners: checkout d-i git repo


Holger Wansing <linux@wansing-online.de> wrote:
> Ok, I already volunteered maintaining such a list.
> And this offer still stands :-)
> Which leads to the need for /me learning git ...

As a first step to this, I tried to checkout the git tree:
following http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/CheckOut
part "Checkout over ssh, for developers" it works so far
until it came to the line with
	mr -p checkout

Output is:

ted@ibm-t60:~/deb/debian-installer/scripts$ mr -p checkout
mr: Assuming /home/ted/deb/debian-installer/d-i-svn+git/debian-installer/.mrconfig is trusted.
mr: For better security, you are encouraged to create ~/.mrtrust
mr: and list all trusted mrconfig files in it.
mr checkout: finished (1 skipped)

Ok, I did as requested: 
was added to ~/.mrtrust, which leads to:

ted@ibm-t60:~/deb/debian-installer/scripts$ mr -p checkout
mr checkout: finished (1 skipped)

Still no checkout. 
What to do now?
Is there some info missing on the wiki?


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