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[RFC] Improve display of note and error templates in newt frontend

I've got some patches that make a few minor changes in the display of note 
and error dialogs.

Here's how they look currently:
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/note_old.png
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/error_old.png

IMO there are two problems:
1) the caption of the note/error disappears a bit under the window title
2) missing blank line between caption and text is inconsistent with other
   dialogs and also makes caption less visible

My first solution was to:
- left-align the caption
- add a blank line below the caption

The result is:
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/note_alt1.png
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/error_alt1.png

Alternatives are to leave the caption centered, but add a blank line 
*above* the caption. That would actually be consistent with other dialogs 
which also always have a blank line above the start of the text.

The blank line below the caption would then be optional, so you'd get one 
of the two following alternatives (only shown for error dialog):
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/error_alt2.png
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/tmp/d-i/error_alt3.png

Comments, preference?

I have a mild preference for alt1 over alt2. I don't like alt3 much.


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