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Bug#450605: user interface

> For one thing, limitations of the user interface.
> For "next to", the line is too short. Having two lines per selection is just 
> not supported. I've been thinking myself about adding a blank line as 
> separator and below that an option to toggle between showing descriptions 
> and MAC addresses.

Other Idea:

Generate a text with information about the network interfaces and below
the text in the same screen the choices.

So something like a multiple choice exam form.


   Detected network interfaces

     Vendor: somecom
     Model: tgv
     MAC: 53:4F:4D:09:0B:23
     Link: up

     Vendor: somecom
     Model: tgv
     MAC: 53:4F:4D:09:0B:24
     Link: up

   Choose interface:

     [ ] eth0

     [ ] eth1

 [back]             [continue]

Geert Stappers

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